Thursday I am sick so i didn't go to school and work 4.12.2008
Today,when my mum take me to school,she took my younger sister and younger brother to the pasar.Then,mum took them to the park.Just as my mum finished walking the first round,my younger sister shout to my mum that there is a little kitten.When my mum finished the fourth round,my brother and sister is still watching the kitten.Then mum said we could take the cat back home and if father said that we can keep it,we'll keep it!When i come home from school,i was antonished or should i say suprised that the kitten is in my house.That kitten is white,and have some orange spots.It was as small as a medium sized ball!Its so small that it is really cute!The kitten is asleep but i want to pet it.I think i'll wait until the kitten is awake then i will pet it.My aunt is very fond of cats and dogs so i told her all about it.She says she want the kitten's picture so i'll take the picture and take it to my aunt.
Wednesday My little loving kitten had DIED! 10.12.2008
Did i told u that the kitten is white with orange spots?I guess no.And...a thing that is sooo sad little loving kitten had DIED!(/)I wish that my little kitten is alive again,but that is imposible.When I was up in the morning to prepare to go to school,my mother told that the kitten had died.I didn't believed her at first,but when i touched it and saw it I believed her.The little poor kitten is as still as a rock when I touched it,and it wouldn't move or come to me as usual.I was terrified.I liked my little kitten so/very much!I do so wish that my little kitten would come alive someday,but the day wouldn't come.Whenever I saw a cat or kitten i will remember my little loving kitten.I always felt that the little kitten is dead then it's ghost is always following me wherever I go.I like to have a pet,but my dad always say no,so i can't have one.So sad! ...... Bye bye everyone that is my readers.